I'm actually not finished with Eastern Europe! It's true that I leave Odessa tomorrow, but before heading back to Florida, I'll be in Lviv for a few days, then Budapest and then Prague (then NYC!).
I did a little visual of all the places I've been/will be since January.

That's Odessa, Kiev, Kharkov, Krakow (Poland), Lviv, Simferopol, Yalta, Sevestopol, Balaklava, Bakchisaray, Budapest (Hungary), & Prague (Czech Republic). Not a bad run!
As far as the future of this blog goes, don't worry! I ain't through yet. I intend to continue blogging about all my food experiences/mishaps as I continue to navigate this omnivorous world. After I get back stateside, I plan on moving to Tampa (my hometown), which boasts a rapidly growing vegan and vegan-friendly community. I actually just submitted my tofu scramble breakfast burrito recipe to a vegan taco/burrito recipe contest run by the (AMAZING) Taco Bus.
The future looks promising, but I will always miss my home away from home on the Black Sea. Ukraine, you've taught me more about myself and the world than I ever expected, and you kept me well fed all the while.
For this, I thank you.
Not sure if you still use this blog but I'm going to Ukraine in a week and wanted to see if you had any tips on how to find vegan food or ask for vegan options! Is there any food that is normally vegan that is good to stick to, and is there a specific word for vegan? Thanks!!